Space Hulk: Deathwing – Interrogator Chaplain Class

Where in the Emperors name did this come from?! A brand new BETA update dropped today and with it a new class; Interrogator Chaplain! The developers are on the right track on making this game truly great, this video is dedicated to showing of the Interrogator Chaplain...

WH40K: Eternal Crusade – The game is dying

Looks like Eternal Crusade is on the brink of death...the WH game curse has struck again, but hope remains. We're at a cross road and the game can be saved but we need players to return. It's up to the developers  provide us with content. This week the...

Rumored Primaris Marines

A member of the WH community posted that he has laid eyes upon some of the new Primaris Marines which have yet to be released, the evidence surrounding it appears that he is telling the truth. Dedicated this video in breaking down his post and talking about the models...

Men of War: 40K Mod Update

Back again with another update video for the Men of War: Assault Squad 2 Warhammer 40k Mod! We have some new units added for the Blood Pact and Imperial Guard, some balance changes with Terminators but the big thing is we now have Single player missions which I show...

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada ► Championship

A Championship has been announched where you can win some great prizes! I still feel like they need to add more content to bring people back to the game, this is one of the best 40K games I've ever played but it needs something new to keep me playing, hopefully a new...