WH40K: Eternal Crusade ► Twitch Summary (21/04/2017)

My friend Halcyon has started making threads dedicated to summaries the information on the Eternal Crusade Twitch shows, I wanted to do a video series to go along with this and also give me feedback on some the information they share, hopefully this will get it out to...

Dawn of War III ► Elites Units and Army Painter

Wanted to make a video looking at the Elites each faction can take into battle and the Army Painter feature which lets you customize your armies. Would love to get some feedback on your thoughts about this! Hope you enjoy the video.

Sanctus Reach DLC Announced!

We have new DLC just announced for Sanctus Reach and we can finally play a Campaign as the Orks in their quest to destroy and kill any who stand in their way. Forward in the name of Gork (and Mork)! Something that I've wanted since first playing the game, hope you...

WH40K: Eternal Crusade ► Tyranid HORDE playthrough!

Too long have the vile Xenos lingered in the shadows! It's time to return to their lair and purge the vile foe! Myself and my Chapter friends attempting to do a full clear of the HORDE Tyranid mode. Will be sending this on to the developers, hopefully to get some...