Dark Imperium – Plague Marines – Finished

It feels like this has been a never ending task to complete. I have finally finished but actually I could keep on painting because there are so many details on these models its ridiculous.The chaos protrusions etc were washed with blues, pink and purples with red used...

Dark Imperium – Plague Marines – WIP2

I have managed to get some hobby time this week and have completed the base colours on the Plague Marines.I started with a primer of Army Painter Green Primer Spray for the green armour.I used a 50/50 mix of dark brown and bronze for the armour trim and once dry I...

Dark Imperium – Rust Effects using Model Mates

Continuing working on getting my skills back up to par and trying some new products out. I purchased these Rust Effects by Model Mates at Salute and am now trying it out on the Dark Imperium Death Guard as they are perfect candidates.I started off by base coating the...

Dark Imperium – Rust Effects using Model Mates

Continuing working on getting my skills back up to par and trying some new products out. I purchased these Rust Effects by Model Mates at Salute and am now trying it out on the Dark Imperium Death Guard as they are perfect candidates.I started off by base coating the...

Dark Imperium – Painting Bugs

One of the new things to paint on these detail packed models is bugs.In the previous Dark Vengeance set the models were also jammed full of details including loads of demon faces etc projecting from the body and I made a passable job of painting them but I don't...