by Vitor | Apr 2, 2017
I added some washes to the details like the pouches, shoulder pads and the back packs.I then went back and highlighted the bronze in areas as well as the blades.Next I painted the eyes white and glazed with red, I am liking the result and it is easier than painting...
by Vitor | Mar 26, 2017
Still slow going but progress none the less. The next step was to drybbrush with Leadbelcher again concentrating on the raised areas only. The shoulder pads were painted with black and the shoulder pad trim with bronze. I also did some of the details like...
by Vitor | Mar 19, 2017
So progress is slow but purposeful.I have so far applied a base coat with Leadbelcher, then applied a black/brown wash to darken the metallic look. For me the Iron Warriors care about their armour but not to the extent of say The Emperors Children who are all...
by Vitor | Mar 12, 2017
"From iron cometh strength! From strength cometh will! From will cometh faith! From faith cometh honour! From honour cometh iron!" — Unbreakable Litany of the Iron Warriors Legion So I am trying my best to find some time during my Paternity Leave to get in some hobby...
by Vitor | Mar 9, 2017
So Baby T has arrived to much fanfare in the Imperium and much wailing and gnashing of teeth by the forces of evil.All is well in the world.Vitor