by Vitor | Mar 5, 2017
I don't really like to mix hobby and personal stuff but.. My blog has taken a bit of a back seat for the last few week because my wife and I are waiting for Baby T to make an appearance, he will be our first and it is a bit nerve wracking.The main concern (not really)...
by Vitor | Feb 12, 2017
These really took me a long time to complete, all the details that make them amazing models are a pain when you are short of painting time.Never the less I have them at a stage where I am happy.As I have found out in all the previous attempts photographing them is...
by Vitor | Feb 5, 2017
I started to paint the piece by priming with black primer followed by a brown which looks very red in the picture.I then painted the entire piece with Graveyard Earth.Followed by a heavy dark brown wash.This was too dark for me as it is meant to be a...
by Vitor | Jan 22, 2017
I found this glow in the dark skeleton of a dinosaur in a kids magazine as a promotional gift and purchased it with the idea of using it to make some terrain.The model came in several parts and I plan to make two pieces of terrain with it, one a desert based type and...
by Vitor | Jan 8, 2017
So it's been a few weeks since I have done any hobby and I am still working my way through the tactical squad. To change things up a bit I went through my bits box and came up with an Astorath Conversion.It is mostly based on the Sanguinary Guard parts with the main...