Bolt Action German 81mm Mortar Team – Finished

I completed the basing using my ground black pepper and herb method and as previously discovered I added some additional colour with some static grass to bring more green to the mix of colours and make it look better as the pepper and herbs are very close in colour...

Bolt Action German 81mm Mortar Team – WIP

Continuing on the small painting projects from my Bolt Action Boot Camp at Beasts of War I tackled the German mortar team.I use the same method as previously with a black primer, base colours of German Field Grey, Reflective Green, Graveyard Earth and some generic...

Bot Action German MG42 MMG Team – WW2 – Finished

So I completed the basing using my ground black pepper and herb method but it needed some additional colour as the pepper and herbs are very close in hue so I added some static grass to bring more green to the mix of colours and make it look better.I am happy with the...

Bot Action German MG42 MMG Team – WW2 – WIP

I have finally got around to painting some of my Bolt Action models, after going to the Beasts of War Boot Camp more than a year ago, now.As part of the Boot Camp we received a starter set with a tank, half-track and some infantry. Time was pretty short and the models...