Badab War – Astral Claws – 40k

 My interest in 40k was a direct result of the Badab War. The article by Belloflostsouls was fantastic and I wanted, as many people probably do, to paint up a model in each of the faction colour schemes.This then directly resulted in my love for the Minotaurs,...

Dapol Railway Buildings – 1/72 Scale – WIP

I found this interesting kit in the railway section of models and thought I would try them out as terrain for my 1/72 scale WW2 games.They are quite cheap and easy to put together, so bonus all around.I primed them with Army Painter green then base coated them with...

Pegasus German Army Trucks – WIP

I have started to make some inroads into my Salute haul with the Pegasus German Truck kit.This is a well made, easy to assemble, relatively cheap kit, with good detail and went together very well. The model actually can look like two different trucks the Germans used...