Dark Angels Deathwing Terminators – Dark Vengeance – Finished

Dark Angels Deathwing Terminators – Dark Vengeance – Finished

 I have finished all the highlights and the basing. The models have come out very nicely however after taking the pictures the limitations of my very old camera are very evident.In the pictures you cant see the different shades of paint on the armour nor can you...
Dark Angels Deathwing Terminators – Dark Vengeance – WIP 2

Dark Angels Deathwing Terminators – Dark Vengeance – WIP 2

I have now started to work on the Base colours of the rest of the model. I painted black all the areas will be metallic or grey first. These areas will then be painted with Boltgun Metal or Codex Grey next followed by a Nuln Oil black Wash. I will finish these areas...
Dark Angels Deathwing Terminators – Dark Vengeance – WIP

Dark Angels Deathwing Terminators – Dark Vengeance – WIP

Back onto my Dark Vengeance box set and this time I am trying out my hand on the Deathwing Terminators. The colour scheme is a new challenge as I generally stay far away from light colours over large areas of a model, they can be difficult to paint well, I am thinking...
German Stug 1/72 Scale – PSC – Finished

German Stug 1/72 Scale – PSC – Finished

So some nice shots of the finished models! looking at these shots without the 15mm FOW side by side it is impossible to tell how much larger they are.I am happy with the results and the anticipation of putting together and painting some of the other kits I have...
German Stug 1/72 Scale – PSC – More WIP

German Stug 1/72 Scale – PSC – More WIP

Like my FOW models I painted the camouflage as per the Open Fire video guide on the Official website.The base brown camouflage was a 50/50 mix of Middlestone and Chocolate Brown and a 70/30 Chocolate Brown and Middlestone mix for the center part of the camouflage. The...