Dark Angels Tactical Squad – Dark Vengeance – Finished

Dark Angels Tactical Squad – Dark Vengeance – Finished

After painting in the base colours of the details I washed them and followed up with highlights in the base colour and a bit more layering with the tabard of the squad leader and face.Overall I liked the finished look of the models and it was pretty easy and quick to...
Dark Angels Tactical Squad – Dark Vengeance – WIP

Dark Angels Tactical Squad – Dark Vengeance – WIP

 A small Update on these guys. I managed to paint in the base colours of the rest of the models. Now I can start using washes to create depth and shadow and finally paint the highlights.Hopefully I will have time to take more pictures along the way, I just have...
Dark Angels Tactical Squad – Dark Vengeance

Dark Angels Tactical Squad – Dark Vengeance

 More work on my Dark Vengeance Box Set, this time the Dark Angels get some love. I started with a Grey Primer as that is all I have, followed by a coat of Dark Angels Green.It didn't cover as well as I would like so a repeated the process.I then used a liberal...
40k Chaos Chosen – The Reborn – Finished

40k Chaos Chosen – The Reborn – Finished

 Well, I finally managed to finish these bad boys! In the beginning I hated painting these models because of the enormous amount of fine detail on them but towards the end I began to love them and the final product.The paint job is a good table top standard and...
40k Chaos Chosen – The Reborn – more WIP

40k Chaos Chosen – The Reborn – more WIP

 It's taking ages for me to finish these guys because so little time these days to paint stuff, so apologies if this is dragging on a bit.You can see the progress on the cloaks and sword above and below.Here are some pictures of the non armour details being done...