Happy New Year

Happy New Year

 May the blessings of the Emperor be with you in 2014!I will resume normal operations soon.Thanks for all your support during 2013.Vitor
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year

So its that time of year again when you wonder where the time has gone. Blogging wise I was very happy with the hings I managed to do and I want to say a very big THANK YOU! to everyone who read my posts and more importantly took the time to comment on them. I hope...
Flight of the Eisenstein – Black Libary – My Thoughts

Flight of the Eisenstein – Black Libary – My Thoughts

 The Flight of the Eisenstein by James Swallow is the fourth book in the Horus Heresy series by the Black Library. The story is about Captain Nathaniel Garro and the unfolding events as he sees the massacre of his brothers and the other legions on Isstvan III. I...
Fur Pelt Sculpt – Hobby 101

Fur Pelt Sculpt – Hobby 101

Using my fur test knowledge I applied the greenstuff to the appropriate area on the model, which in this case was over the shoulders and hanging down one side. I then used the back edge of my hobby knife to 'pull' down lines in the greenstuff to create the fur effect,...
Luna Wolf Tactical Symbol – Press Mould – Hobby 101

Luna Wolf Tactical Symbol – Press Mould – Hobby 101

 The tactical marking on my Luna Wolf model was done using a greenstuff press mould. (follow the link for more detail on how to make a mould)Place a small amount of greenstuff on the shoulder pad, use mould to press out the shape, clean up and allow to dry.Once...