Dark Vengeance Chaos – Choice Made

Dark Vengeance Chaos – Choice Made

So the choice has been made.Alpha Legion, no opportunity for additional modelling details so no go.Company of Misery, Knights of Blood and Claws of Lorek no go because paint scheme will be lost in the details.Thousand Sons and Nightlords will work but they are...
Dark Vengeance – Help me Choose Update

Dark Vengeance – Help me Choose Update

Thanks for the feed back to those that left comments on the previous post. I have just put together the models and must say they are absolutely amazing, outstanding detail on each model, which brings me to my next problem.They are so detailed that there is no space...
40k Chaos – Help Me Choose

40k Chaos – Help Me Choose

I bought the Dark Vengeance Box Set awhile ago now and have just got around to deciding what to do with it.Please can you help me decide by giving me your opinion on which scheme to paint the Chaos side of the set in.These are the options I like, purely from a...
Making a Tabard from Card – Hobby 101

Making a Tabard from Card – Hobby 101

On my Luna Wolf I wanted to add a Fur Tabard but didn't want to use any Space Wolf bits as it was a perfect opportunity to try out this technique.You start with a piece of paper card cut roughly to size and shape. I used a piece from an old Business Card which seems...
Base using Tree Bark – No Painting Required – Hobby 101

Base using Tree Bark – No Painting Required – Hobby 101

I have been exploring this theme of basing with materials that look good without any painting done to them, namely the pepper and herbs. I was looking for something to base my Luna Wolves model on.My thoughts turned to the possibilities of bark on its own, so I...