Pre Heresy Luna Wolves Tactical Marine

Pre Heresy Luna Wolves Tactical Marine

First off, I know the mark of armour etc is not technically correct but this is just a test model for loads of stuff I wanted to try out. It was inspired by the reading of the Horus Heresy from The Black Library. The first time I read about Loken and the Luna Wolves...
Hobby 101 Sculpting Fur with Greenstuff Test

Hobby 101 Sculpting Fur with Greenstuff Test

With my new found enthusiasm from reading the Horus Heresy Books I wanted to paint up a Luna Wolf.As part of this plan I wanted to add wolf fur to the model but didn’t want to use bits from the Space Wolves range although they are pretty cool and will probably be...
Librarian Psychic Hood Conversion

Librarian Psychic Hood Conversion

The great piece of artwork above shows the idea very well, my thanks to the artist for using it but I don't know who they are.Essentially I tried out a technique that Ron at 'From the Warp' blog demonstrated, see picture below. The idea is simple, cut out two sections...
Kings of War – Mantic

Kings of War – Mantic

 I have been an avid watcher of Beasts of War over the last year or so and the current series on Kings of War has been very interesting. I originally got into this hobby through GW because I loved Fantasy Armies. However the changing rules of GW put me off...
Librarian Tabard Greenstuff Press Mold

Librarian Tabard Greenstuff Press Mold

 I have used press moulds for various bits and wondered if it would work for a tabard. I made my mold from greenstuff and used a tabard from the Grey Knights Terminators sprue as the casting piece. Unfortunately my mold was not deep enough and the chain...