Flames of War Pak40 – The Gun

Flames of War Pak40 – The Gun

So onto the gun, I started with a black Primer, which turned out to be a bad choice as my custom Middlestone mix didn't have good coverage.I needed two coats. Next was a heavy brown wash, then clean up with Middlestone again.The camouflage was as per the Open...
Flames of War Pak40 Base

Flames of War Pak40 Base

The base was done using modelling sand, herbs and flock grass. A note here is that the ammunition boxes and shells are the standard FoW metal bits that come with the 'Open Fire' Set. I am pointing that out with something in mind for a future post is you are...
Flames of War Pak40 Crew

Flames of War Pak40 Crew

I began painting the crew with the base colours over a black primer. The colours are custom mixes I made, so I cant really give you the exact names.Next was a application of a lighter shade of the base colours.Then a wash with a 50/50 mix of black and brown wash. Once...
Horus Rising – Black Library – My Thoughts

Horus Rising – Black Library – My Thoughts

I tried once before, a long time ago, to get into the Black Library Books but failed while trying to read ' A Thousand Sons'. At the time I was trying to decide on an army to collect and paint and liked the colour scheme and background of the Thousand Sons. Reading...
Creating a Base using Herbs and Pepper

Creating a Base using Herbs and Pepper

 Want a base so good you can eat it, literally?Furthering my experiments with basing techniques I wanted to create a base that was quick, easy and required no painting whatsoever.I have in the past already used herbs and black pepper on bases but never together....