Open for Business – Now Accepting Commissions

Since I am back in London and have easier access to the war-gaming hobby at large I am putting myself on the market.I will be accepting painting, modelling conversions and terrain commissions.Here are some examples of my past work and show the 'style' my work, this I...

Terrain – 40k – Diorama – Finished

All that was left to do was apply  the final touches namely some grass and some small touches with wash etc here and there.Overall it was an enjoyable project and I think the final result worked out pretty well.Hope this inspires you to try out something like...

Terrain – 40k – Diorama – Painting WIP

Finalizing the base involved cutting the Deffkopta in half and removing the Ork pilot then using greenstuff I modeled the seat and closed up the gaps to make it look like damaged engine and frame parts.Next I glued my tank traps and  crater lip pieces in place...

Terrain – 40k – Diorama – The Design

This series of posts is from my previously lost archives and will now see the light of the web! My previous posts on terrain ( craters, tank traps, fence, ruined aquila and the ventilator) have been building up to this apex, namely putting together basic pieces of...

Games Workshop – This is Madness!!!

Over the last year or so I have seen GW make these big kits and or introduce new units into Fantasy and 40k and along the way I have grown increasingly at odds with the designs they are producing.Does anyone else agree? I don't play the game so am removed from most...