The Song of Solitude – A Talathen sector rpg report.

The Song of SolitudeThis is a hard one to write up as a mission report in the normal format, so I’m just going to write it out as it comes to mind. So please bear with me if this seems more rambly than usualPart One – OvertureSolitude X is a remote ice world of...

The Empire slaps back – Planning phase round 4.

Round 4 and things are starting to heat up. The postings phase led to the first major shake-up with Del kern being removed from command of ground forces and replaced by Hallarn Yarn. This gives the People’s movement their first military command and takes one military...

Round Three end phase – Talathen Sector Campaign

Our ¼ way break is over and the campaign resumes this week. I thought it best to leave the results from round 3 until we were ready to start round 4.From this point on, all glory rewards and research points are increased by 25%. At turn 6 that will go to 50% and 75%...

A tribute to Nick Garden, my friend.

Nick picks up one of many tournament awardsIt is with profound sadness that I write this post.Nick Garden, a friend and former work colleague of mine passed away over the weekend. It was not expected and has come as a terrible shock to the Wellington gaming community...

Arkham Investigator – Beta testing a new boardgame

First off, i'd like to thank the designers of this game for making a beta available on Boardgame geek. If you find this article interesting, I highly recommend popping over there and downloading the demo set. So what is Arkham investigator?Put simply it's a...