Mansions of Madness – The Monsters complete

Mansions of madness is a unique game. Its mix of dungeon crawling, horror themes, exploration and unique scenarios, make it a really different experience to other games, and I feel it is the Arkham series game that best captures the feeling of the short stories....

Round 3 – A hero falls – Talathen Sector Campaign

The rebellion has had it's first real tragedy on the conflict, with one the of heroes of the rebellion falling in battle. There was much wailing and sorrow, and glasses raised in honour of their fallen comrade.Round 3 - Planning PhaseNo major...

Round two end phase – Talathen Sector Campaign

Well, we reached the end of round two and have started on round three.The map is updated on the right, and you may notice a 4th influence colour, as a new, as yet unknown faction has appeared on Nimbala.Mission reportsThe Boneyard - Cresh squad has set up there...