Battle reports round 2 – Battle for Talathen Sector

Fleet attack on deep space training stationAfter rolling a lot of sucesses on his planning roll, this was going to be a short and swift action. The empire has been well and truly caught with it's pants down, as the end of round two photo below...

Turn 2- The rebellion heats up

Strategy phase twoHere is the sector board at the start of turn two. The changes to popular support have been made, as well as the addition of the "pink" colour to represent the growing "Devourer cult" on Cahn. The Devourer Cult is a doomsday style cult that worships...

End turn 1- Battle for Talathen Sector

End phase round 1Well, we finally go through the first full round of the game. 1 week on planning/politicking, 2 weeks board gaming and 2 week role-playing. That seems like a pretty good balance for our gaming group and is keeping the content quite fresh. Mission...

Combat missions – Round 1 – Battle for Talathen sector.

Now before I go any further i'd just like to make a few things clear. I won't be doing detailed battle reports, because they take a lot of time and note taking. So it will be highlightsI'll also mention I didn't take any photos as my camera was at the office when we...