by Vomkrieg | May 19, 2015
Continuing on from the last blog post, I'll talk more about the other strategic roles. Now we've already begun making changes based on the first rounds play through, which is great. I want every player to feel their decisions make an impact. I also want every...
by Vomkrieg | May 13, 2015
Last week I mentioned the overview of what the campaign would look like.Well, we had our first strategic phase and conducted our first operation, which was great fun. Here is the strategic map as it stands at the start of week one. (Click to enlarge).The key is...
by Vomkrieg | May 5, 2015
OverviewThe sector map, now in glorious A1 on my wallSo, you may have noticed less posts in the recent past. well that's because I've been working on a massive project for a Star Wars campaign.Many years ago, I read West End Games "Rebel Alliance handbook" and...
by Vomkrieg | May 3, 2015
About four months ago my regular Wednesday gaming group went on hiatus, you see they had pretty much all volunteered, along with a lot of NZ wargamers, to work on a massive WWI diorama.For those of you who aren't aware, Gallipoli is considered a watershed moment in NZ...
by Vomkrieg | Apr 12, 2015
DisclaimerSpoilers abound in these posts, if you haven’t read the books and will get upset by finding out what happens just stop.This is also not a recap, if you want a recap go to Lexicanium.What The Black Library says about the bookThe galaxy is burning. The...