Forbidden Stars – 40k Boardgame

Bring fire and bring shell and heap all upon the pyre. With flame and gun we shall make an end to the withered husk that is human life. And in the blazing furnace of battle we shall forge anew the iron will of a yet stronger race.   –Warhammer 40,000So...

XCOM Solo – One man against the alien scum

XCOM the Boardgame is an app assisted board game set in the XCOM universe and was developed by Fantasy Flight games. It's designed as a co-op game, but it can actually work well as a single player experience, if you are insane a like mental...

Age of Darkness – Horus Heresy review

Short stories are a pain to review. I don’t want to overcook each story, because I’ll be here for an ice age. But I don’t want to gloss over them too quickly, so let’s see how this goes. Honestly though, this short story compilation was pretty flat. Tales of Heresy...

Mansions of Madness – the characters

This is probably becoming old-hat to any regular reader, but i will reiterate, that you don't have to labor over models for ages to make them look "reasonable" Boardgames look so much better with painted figures, even if those figures have only very simple paint...

Zombicide – Heroes complete

Well, with Zombicide Season 3 coming out very soon (or now to some kickstarter backers), it's good to finally have Zombicide season 1 and 2 finished!Now, i've never really used the Zombivor rules, and while they are cool models. I think I will pass on getting the...