Cygnar army complete – All the Cygnars

Long shotOk, I'm not going to say much more than this...IT'S DONE, I PAINTED THEM ALL.......... BWAHAHAHAAHAHA. Ok, i still need Dynamo and Sturgis, and there are some mercs to go, but the core army is well and truly done and dusted.And now, a massive...


That's it, I'm done painting Cygnar. The final group shots will be up in the next few days. The last model painted was thunderhead, and I enjoyed doing him a little differently than the rest of the army. I made my own metallic blue by mixing up some paints, and...

A Thousand Sons – Horus Heresy Book review

DisclaimerSpoilers abound in these posts, if you haven’t read the books and will get upset by finding out what happens just stop.This is also not a recap, if you want a recap go to Lexicanium.What The Black Library says about the bookCensured at the Council of Nikea...

Cygnar Light Jack Swarms

I Like light jacks, I like them a lot in fact. I like them so much I own a literal swarm of light jacks.What's weirder is I use them a lot as well. I will rarely field an army that doesn't have at least one Light warjack. And occasionally, i'll field a lot more...

Silverline Stormguard & 2 Warcasters

Welcome to the latest painting update on my pledge to finish "ALL THE CYGNAR" by the end of Jan 2015.  First up are the Silverline Stormguard, a unit only available directly from Privateer Press. Which, if you live in New Zealand, means they are a pain in the ass...