End of year awards – The Kriegy awards 2014

Welcome to the second annual Kriegy awards. Yep, it’s award season and as I have complete and utter contempt for any awards I decided to do my own.Why? Well, it’s because as far as I’m concerned my opinion is as valid as anyone else’s. So if you have issues with that,...

Fallen expectations – A Horus Heresy Review

What The Black Library says about the bookWith news of Horus’s treachery spreading across the galaxy, the Great Crusade grinds to a halt as the primarchs and their Legions decide where their loyalty lies – with the Emperor, or with the rebel Warmaster. The Dark...

Stryker 2 and 3

There are few casters in the Warmachine setting that have more impressive models than Stryker version 3.This guy is brand new for me, and I still haven't got to put him on the table yet. But I can't wait.There is something about a cavalry caster that just has that...

Nemo, Laddermore and Jakes – Cygnar update

A quick update on my ongoing quest to paint "ALL THE CYGNARS!"And this time, it's a bunch of new models I have never got to try out on the battlefield yet.First up, the original grumpy old man, NEMO the first.I painted him in exactlt he same style as the Nemo2 i've...
Darius Conversion – Or how i rid myself of Toilet man!

Darius Conversion – Or how i rid myself of Toilet man!

Ok, first off, I haven't got to use Darius in battle yet, so I don't really have anything to say about him asides from "theory-machine". He looks like he could be a blast with loads of jacks, but i'll wait to see how he goes before saying more. So i'm...