Tempest Blazers – Cool unit, ugly horses

Tempest Blazers – Cool unit, ugly horses

Oh Privateer press, how can you do so many things right and then do some things so very very wrong.Unlike a lot of fans of another certain games company, I won't defend my favorite model makers when they do something sub standard.The horses this unit...
Storm Lances

Storm Lances

RightoSo, i'm back into painting seriously for the first time in ages. I have set myself a goalComplete the entire available Cygnar range of models by the end of the Christmas holidays. (Note, this does not include all possible mercenary options) That's an awful...
Nerd Alert – New free online magazine for geekstuff

Nerd Alert – New free online magazine for geekstuff

Now I don't normally advertise things on this blog as it's not my style to make money off things or cram product down peoples throats. I'll leave that to other sites.Any who, Juan, one of the guys in my regular netrunner group has launched a new magazine. It's very...
REJECTION! – I will not be the GW CEO

REJECTION! – I will not be the GW CEO

LAMENT!WOE IS ME!MY LIFE IS AN EMPTY SHELL!Seriously though, I can't believe they dignified my application with a response. Even a form response. And I really really hope that the words in the email are true. I hope the board actually saw it, and nervously laughed at...
Kapiti Tournament – Good times

Kapiti Tournament – Good times

Khador double handed throw resisted.I must admit, I like short tournaments. A one day affair with 3-4 matches is prefect for me. Just long enough to have a lot of fun without suffering from "tournament fatigue"Old man Sevvy is about to murder another old man in...