Zombicide – The Heroes round 1

Zombicide – The Heroes round 1

Well, i'm taking some time off painting Zombicide to get ready for this Warmachine tournament, but I thought I would share where I was up to.For the heroes I wanted to put in a lot more detail and colour. They really need to stand out against...
Kapiti Tournament – Coming back out of retirement

Kapiti Tournament – Coming back out of retirement

Ok, so i'm a fickle bitch.I play a lot of games and sometimes I can go off a game for an extended period of time. I basically haven't play since the NZ Nationals in mid 2013. I put this down to several things, but the two biggest ones are burnout and other shiny...
GW CEO application accepted!

GW CEO application accepted!

And there you have it, Application accepted!It's a done deal.Now taking requests. Gentlemen.... my music!PS, here is the application letter 
Zombicide – More monochrome madness

Zombicide – More monochrome madness

As promised, here is even more Zombicide Monochrome action painting. First up, The Beserkers!Zombies that you cannot shoot makes Phil very sad hes only armed with a shotgun.Again, following Carmen's (master of Monochrome) advice, I went with the...
A vote! Should I apply to be GW CEO?

A vote! Should I apply to be GW CEO?

So a while ago I wrote a mock application letter for GW's CEO role. The full letter is here and repeated below. The application information is up, and frankly it's pretty weak. Thanks to BOLS for this information.The question is, should i send in...