Stormguard COMPLETE!

Stormguard COMPLETE!

Wow, I actually finished a unit!This is epic, the first new models off the painting table in nearly 12 months. Painting for me, has always been a "feel" thing. Either I want to do it, and then i do it a lot, or i just hate the damn thing. The Stormguard are...
Battle for the abysmal – A Horus Heresy Review

Battle for the abysmal – A Horus Heresy Review

 a.k.a. Battle for the Abscess. Warning, the following blog post contains much more swearing than normal. Thank you for your indulgence. Disclaimer Spoilers abound in these posts, if you haven’t read the books and will get upset by finding out what...
Meg Maples Masterclass – Wellington (Guest post)

Meg Maples Masterclass – Wellington (Guest post)

One thing i wanted to do more this year was get other people in my gaming groups involved in some guest posts. Our local PP Press Ganger Pelarel posted this originally on the NZ Warmachine blog, Thrallblacks.Original post is...
Legion – A Horus Heresy Book Review

Legion – A Horus Heresy Book Review

DisclaimerSpoilers abound in these posts, if you haven’t read the books and will get upset by finding out what happens just stop.This is also not a recap, if you want a recap go to Lexicanium.What The Black Library says about the bookA Great War is coming, and it will...
Cephalyx faction for Warmachine – Video and first thoughts

Cephalyx faction for Warmachine – Video and first thoughts

Click to watch Privateer press launch videoOK, I must admit to not being entirely excited at the idea of a Cephalyx faction. However, after watching this video and hearing what the faction will be like, I'm willing to admit that they sound pretty cool. For those...