My muse has returned! – Ol Rowdy teaser

My muse has returned! – Ol Rowdy teaser

After nine months of not wanting to paint a single thing, the urge has returnedToday was spent assembling models and doing some prep work.the highlight of today was assembling Ol'Rowdy, who has been sitting in a box for 9 months being neglected. I'm...
The Kriegys 2014 – 1st Annual Vomkrieg awards!

The Kriegys 2014 – 1st Annual Vomkrieg awards!

Welcome to the first annual Kriegy awards. Yep, it’s award season and as I have complete and utter contempt for any awards I decided to do my own.Why? Well, it’s because as far as I’m concerned my opinion is as valid as anyone else’s. So if you have issues with that,...
Dissent about Descent of Angels – Horus heresy Book Review.

Dissent about Descent of Angels – Horus heresy Book Review.

Descent of AngelsWhat The Black Library says about the bookThe planet of Caliban exists much as it has for thousands of years – the knightly orders protect the common people, fighting back the beasts that lurk in the depths of the seemingly endless forests. Young...
2014 – A plan… of sorts

2014 – A plan… of sorts

Well, let me start by saying that New Years resolutions are complete Bullshit that most people don't stick too.This is not a New Years resolution.This is a result of me having some time off from work to clear the brain and think about stuff.GAME STUFF!I kinda went...
The Gorgon and the Poser – Fulgrim review

The Gorgon and the Poser – Fulgrim review

Iron Hands on the cover!DisclaimerSpoilers abound in these posts, if you haven’t read the books and will get upset by finding out what happens just stop.This is also not a recap, if you want a recap go to Lexicanium.What The Black Library says about the bookGraham...