Bust a move – Finale

 When my painting muse is not with me, it takes forever to paint anything.This relic project has taken a lot longer than I would expect, and that has little to do with the quality of the figures and everything to do with me being a bit burned out by painting.The...

A new direction

My painting muse has fled… this happens to me from time-to-time. I can paint non-stop like a rampaging half-bull half-manbearpig hybrid at times…. And then, all of a sudden, I cannot be bothered with it.I’m nearly done with painting Relic, but lordy, has that been a...

Bust a move – Part three

Right, so indoor photos were just not working out for me and the weather here as been a bit bad. So it's taken longer than expected to get this update sorted.Three more relic busts done and i'm passably happy with these guys.... not really over the moon but not upset....

Bust a move (part two) – More Relic busts

Righto, the first round of busts for relic are complete. Thanks again to the Megagpope for doing such a fine job on the Ultramarine Captain, but in the words of the original BMF Samuel L Jackson "Oh, you're finsihed? Allowed me to retort"The...