How to "win" at Warmachine? The NZ Nationals Day Two

Day Two - The day of failSo when we left our intrepid adventurer he had somehow managed to beat three really good players and burgle his way into the top tier for days two and three.personally, I think the reason I made it to day two was that my eCaine list is very...

How to lose at Warmachine – Nationals edition (Day one)

Well, this is going to be less of a "how to lose" session than normal, as I actually won more games than I lost.Against my expectations, and probably that of a few others, I played pretty darned well and did pretty darned well. There was only one game where I thought...

NZ Nationals 35 and 50 point lists

Well, it's only a few days away from Nationals so here are my four lists. I don't reckon these are super powerful or elite by any means, what they are is fun (for me at least).I should have four very different play styles during the weekend. Caine with his...

A 4 pack of casters

So, its nearly time for "the Nationals"Our nationals are on a much smaller scale than the NCAAIt's in bold and italics because its the nationals in name only really, it's not like you have to qualify to enter. Wargamers always seem to have the need...

A Noobs guide to Tournaments

Or “What have I gotten myself into, and who are these crazy people”IntroductionTournaments are scary places for a new gamer. Nothing quite as freaky as biting the bullet, signing up for a tournament and declaring to the world:“LO, I AM HERE FOR THE GAMES INVOLVING TOY...