The 5th Annual Kriegy Awards – 2017

Award time again, and in the usual tradition of spitting in the face of the concept of self appointed people giving out awards and claiming legitimacy i'm doing my own. Why? Because I can be a self-appointed expert as much as the next guy :)Awards for a 5th straight...

Anachrony – Complete

Anachrony is a beast of a board game,  a massive worker placement game that deals with a unique setting in the distant future, time travel, mechs and cults.It's a really neat game and I highly recommend it. Anyway, this is one of the first games i've done...

Star Wars Rebellion – Complete

Quick update today on Star Wars Rebellion.Rebellion is a great game, one of the best two player lite wargames on the market, and is very comparable to War of the Ring. A lot of very small models, so I didn't go too crazy on the details. All I want is for them to...

Zombicide – Finale

All of Zombicide is now finishedALL OF IT!I am so glad I decided to stick with the "monochrome" zombies and only paint the survivors seriously. I feel pity for anyone who spent hours and hours and hours on painted hundreds of disposable zombies, when they just...

Scythe – Complete

So, I finally decided the paint something for the first time in..... i dunno.... forever! Almost entirely motivated by the fact I got my airbrush working again, so base coating and undercoating is now rather painless. I put a poll up on the solo-boardgamers group...