Games Workshop Boardgames and Space Hulk – Squad Gideon

I got Space Hulk when it came out..... which i have just discovered was freaking ages ago.2009 in fact! And I still haven't finished painting it..........FOR SHAME! I hear you cry! FOR SHAME! Why have I not finished this fantastic looking game with its amazing...

New Warmachine Faction – Convergence of Cyriss

Wow, didn't expect to see a new Warmachine faction pop up. These chaps remind me of the clockwork from city of heroes, they look pretty neat.Check out the official PP Video here A couple of highlights from the vidWarjacks gain the MAT and RAT of the...

Genestealers – Batch one

Just a quick post to show off the Genestealers from my copy of Space Hulk.I'm half way through painting these chaps and have started painting the terminators again. I must say the process of "properly painting" models is a time consuming one. I use...

Horned Rat – Chaos in the Old World expansion

I admit to being a little worried about the Horned Rat expansion for Chaos in the Old World.The core game was so expertly balanced and the four major gods played so differently, in such an interdependent way, that i thought adding a 5th...