Boardgames are art? What does that mean?

One thing I've been fascinated with lately is the idea of board gaming as an evolving art form. Art forms take time to mature, to develop complex themes and ideas, but I think Board-Gaming is getting there. Boardgames are a unique art form, because it is...

The 4th annual Kriegy Awards – 2016

It award season again, and continuing to show my contempt for every other award series out there, I am doing my own..... again. Like all award ceremonies, prepare to read a list of things picked by self-appointed experts that claim to have more authority on the...

Radlandz Scenery – Step 1 getting some terrain sorted.

So, in order to take testing for Radlandz to the next level, I have decided to splash out on some scenery and other goodies to make the game look a lot more professional, and well, more RADLANDZY. Fortunately for me, this was all prompted by a message from a...