The Wrath of Cahn – Part 1 – A Talathen Sector story

The wrath of Cahn (Part one)Well, it seems like forever since I’ve done an update for Talathen Sector. The campaign is ongoing, but life has gotten in the way so we have missed a fair few sessions this year. What we have been doing is the longest story arc of the RPG...

Games Workshop and Fantasy Flight Games split

It's official, GW and FFG will no longer be doing business. Considering that FFG/Asmodee have blasted past GW in terms of total turnover in the last few years and the decision of GW to bring back specialist games, i'm not hugely surprised.FFG has been the...

The core dice system – Radlandz developer diary.

Well, lets start talking about the core game systems and how they make Radlandz the most awesome little skirmish game out there.Here are the core concepts behind the dice systemRadlandz uses several dice, d6, d8, d10 and d12. Dice are rolled against a difficulty...

9 Games that inspired me when making a game.

As part of the Radlandz introduction, I want to talk about the game systems that inspired aspects of the rules. I've played a lot of games, and no game system comes from isolation. Its all part of the game development process and every new game stands on the shoulders...