Talathen Sector – End phase round 4

Personal UpdateWell, this last month or so has been an unpleasant one for my group and I.My sister lost her battle with cancer just after New Years, one of my other players has had to deal with a major family crisis, and another the death of a friend. All in all, 2016...

I’m making a choice – A Talathen Sector battle report

Some games are good, some games are bad. And rarely, you play an amazing session where everything works and people will talk about it for years to come.This battle was one of those sessions, a genuine nail biting fight that came down to the wire and had...

We’re Back! – Talathen battle sector report

Well, its been a while since we updated for numerous reasons. A few people have been away on business trips or personal holidays, and our one of our players is also a new dad since the last update! So a heap happening in "real life" and that's more important than the...

Warmachine 40000 – Could you play 40k with WM rules? Part two

Part two – Guns and swordsTwo things to look at today, one is how melee weapons work and the other is worked out ranged combat. We have developed some basic statlines for models from our previous post, and here they are. Speed MAT RAT ST Def Arm LD Hits Special Guard...

Warmachine 40000 – Could you play 40k with WM rules? Part one

Ok, this is going to be a bit of a thought exercise and is not intended as a serious product or anything more than kicking around an idea.  Also, I frankly don’t care if you think 40k is a superior system and that this idea is entirely invalid, this is my playpen...