by Von | Jul 11, 2014
In the end, it turned out to be The Man himself, my old mate the Iron Lich Asphyxious. Had to be. A man as mojo-deprived as I can't go faffing around with your fancy Covens or your dubious Venethraxes; a man in my position needs simplicity, elegance, and a...
by Von | Jul 4, 2014
The words 'escalation league' generally make my ears perk up like nobody's business, and so when a kind soul at Dark Sphere stepped up to the plate and said they were going to run one I sniffed about like an underfed kitten catching the faint, delicious scent of tuna...
by Von | Jun 28, 2014
Well, this week's cleared the air a bit, hasn't it? After the tedious gamer angst and theorymachine of the last month, actually having some Cryx painted and played has been a much needed bolt of lightning through my rotten meat-parts. I'll talk about painting when...
by Von | Jun 21, 2014
Enthusiasm for the hobby of miniature wargaming is not exactly running high at Castle von Von right now. Painting is currently stalled since the envisioned method for greyscale painting isn't working out as well as anticipated. The Windsor and Newton ink may have to...
by Von | Jun 14, 2014
An oft-voiced objection to the Warmachining and the Hordesery often goes along the lines of "I don't want to take a special character in every game, I want to make up my own dude, if I don't I don't feel invested in the game." We all know someone like that: someone...