Coremachine – Marching On A Dead End Road

Been a while, hasn’t it? To cut a long story short: I ragequit Warmachine and Hordes in January of last year like a right little stropper, and a few months later I bumped into Jon Webb (who runs SmogCon) and he said “oh hey, I’m calling in that...

The Ultimate Spirit of Wargaming, circa 2006

 There’s a story behind this, but it doesn’t really matter. The important thing is that, temporarily re-engaged with the Privateer Press community, I had to go and hunt out the first No Quarter that I ever bought, just to make sure I remembered...

[Games Anatomy] A Red and Pleasant Land

At the time of release, the buzz about Red and Pleasant Land was that it would completely revolutionise the way we played Dungeons and Dragons and totally blow all our minds with its sheer inspirational quality. This is of course hype, which is short for hyperbole and...

[Top X] Xceptions Prove The Rule

I haven't read nearly enough hobby blogs lately. This is shockingly neglectful behaviour, since there are dozens of the wretched things on the rolls, and I started out commenting on quite a few of them before I turned into the stodgy potato man I am today, rolling in...

[Another Year of Frugal Gaming] Through The Dust And Gasoline

You know what? It's been a quiet couple of weeks. I'm dabbling in and out of Diablo III, still keeping up with the play-by-post roleplaying, and I finished up the Revenants for SAGA, but realistically, I've spent little and gamed less. Been working. Been...