by Von | May 15, 2015
I've been doing hobby, dudes. I haven't had an enormous amount of choice, admittedly, since I've been flat on my back for days and was only able to get up and move around without my stick on Wednesday. Still, when I've been able to cut through the haze and reach the...
by Von | May 1, 2015
Blah blah compulsory picture yadda yadda cute skull couple. Another Year of Frugal Gaming - Turn The Gold To Chrome It's time for another podcast, boys and girls! Minicast functionality appears to be a bit less keen on embedded players, so you'll have to click a link...
by Von | Apr 28, 2015
Because the first thing you do when you’ve paid off your overdraft and credit card is naff off to a one-day festival. Obviously. Johnny Rose (Thirteen Shots/Undead Artists) and Tommy Creep (Lupen Tooth/Graveyard Calling Records), the left and right ventricles of...
by Von | Apr 17, 2015
I've been ill recently. Like, constantly. The air pollution and the heat in London seem to be running me down (I don't smoke, haven't for years, but I cough like a packet-a-day man); I've had an allergic reaction to some medication and a resultant round of skin...
by Von | Apr 3, 2015
Let's start with the good news, eh? Bought Game Source Cost Sold Game Price Balance £185.17 £282.22 £467.39 Khador Marksman IKRPG Facebook trade £5.00 Shipping (Daemons) £2.80 Retribution deposit WM/H £25.00 Backswords and Bucklers Book 2 OSR D&D Lulu £1.20...