Oath of Moment: Dead And Monochrome

Oath of Moment: Dead And Monochrome

High tideWide eyedDread in monochromeDenied in spiteDisliked in monochromePanic in their eyesRiseDead and monochrome Well now, that ‘once a month’ thing ain’t quite working out how it should be, but I have been busy, I promise. Check this out. It...

[Confessions of an English Zombie Fancier] Double Duty Daemons

Some years ago, when WFB.8 was new on the ground and I was not yet the jaded and embittered soul that I am today, I went on a little theoretical excursion around Daemonville. These were the days when I was pretending that I had some sort of competitive interests, and...

[Confessions of an English Zombie Fancier] Double Duty Daemons

Some years ago, when WFB.8 was new on the ground and I was not yet the jaded and embittered soul that I am today, I went on a little theoretical excursion around Daemonville. These were the days when I was pretending that I had some sort of competitive interests, and...