MAYBE!We've been out of commission, but we've been painting!  I painted an entire Trollbloods army this year.  Have Dark Elves and Chaos Marines on my table... and more Trollbloods!A TON has happened.  Real life drama, work, life changing stuff....

The Big News for 2013… really big!   I (Wallshammer) am opening my own gaming and hobby store!It's going to be a huge venture and adventure for myself as I try my hand at running what's a gaming store.  Really, it's the dream of every hobbyist after all.   It will be/is...

The Big News for 2013… really big!   I (Wallshammer) am opening my own gaming and hobby store!It's going to be a huge venture and adventure for myself as I try my hand at running what's a gaming store.  Really, it's the dream of every hobbyist after all.   It will be/is...

Smackdown in Santa Town mini battle report!

Smackdown in Santa Town has come and went in a blaze of Imperial Glory as the combined forces of Imperial Guard, Space Wolves and Grey Knights were able to outlast and destroy the ork horde.   Of course, when one GK unit is 1500 points...We took video of the...

WAAAAGH! Dakkastab in all it’s glory!

Here we go, for fun! Well... sort of.I was organizing my list for Armageddon 4: Smackdown in Santa Town on Wednesday and figured I might as well put all my orks out so I can pack them by unit.   So... I did!  Here, in all it's glory...WAAAAGH...