Top 10 Core Units

Here is one that will get people arguing/discussing, let's hope the latter!   It's what I think are the top 10 choices in the Core units for Warhammer Fantasy.  I am taking into account not just their stat line but upgrades, magical banners and typical...

TOP 10!: Chaff units

Inspired by Bad Dice Daily, I figured I'd do my own top 10.Bad Dice Daily is a great little podcast by the way.  Short, very informative bits about whatever pops into Ben Curry's mind.  Check it out on iTunes!Now, inside for the list!Everyone knows I am the...

"Completed" Steam Tank

Another Empire unit done and painted!   I even took pictures of the progress when I remembered.  I thought it would be fun coming back and looking at the progress.   Come inside and join our journey.Here's the original picture I had.  It had been...

Next up on the painting block

I think next up as I continue to paint Empire stuff is this girl!Lots of work to be finished on her, plus doing the base.   It will be in the purple and yellow of Ostermark, the province of choice for my army.   It's snowing like mad, so it's a good day to...