
Thought I would share a few pictures of the terminators I did. My army is painted dark angels so I used a sort of death wing scheme including Darnath Lysande who I used to run.I will never use that sort of flock on models again, there are over a year old and the stuff...

Finding something new with vanilla marines

Well waiting on the entire Dark elder range to come out I have decided to try an design new marine list and I need your help. I am suffering from a bit of tunnel vision since I have been playing with almost the same list for about a year and a half I am finding it a...

The Great Bears Of Gallowswood

Since these guys are in every army I pick I figured I had better get them painted up.Initially I wasn't too keen on them, I couldn't get them to work for me but I perceived and now they are proving to be worth their weight in gold. They work best in the second wave as...

Orin Midwinter and Harlan Versh

Thanks to RSI brought on by too much Call of Duty I have had time to get a bit more painting done. Decided to get a couple of the my mercs done.Harlan Versh finds his way into a lot of my lists. Midwinter I haven't got around to using yet but I am going to get old...

Autumn showdown – Battle Report

So I did Warmachine at the Autumn showdown in the North West Gaming Centre.I decided to go this these lists:List 1 PvladDracoDevastatorSprigganMax Winter Guard Rifle CorpsGreat BearsLady Aiyana and Lord HoltMin Iron Fang Pikemen + UAKovnik JoeMadelyn CorbeauLots of...