‘Tis The Season

Halloween and our traditional spooky Age of Sigmar gaming eve approach and dark forces are on the move! Another adventure in the Realm of Shadow awaits and the gloomy streets of Saint Thracius once again thirst for blood - whatever perils await our heroes this time,...

Knights of the Sound Table

This time on the War Head commission front we take a look at a Slaaneshi Renegade Knight host, produced in the immortal example of the Emperor's Children (and the heretic Noise Marines in particular). The usual pink armour colour is complemented by royal gold, stylish...

Civil War V Combat Coverage

The amazing hobby tradition of War Head Civil War is now past us for another year - what a treat it was once again! I feel that this year's event was one of the best in the heritage's history, as the inspired rules package, team's hobby commitment and our joint...

Snotting Hill FC

The latest in the completed section of our commission workbench is a Blood Bowl Snotling team supported by some big guys and a few wild star players, who are certain to do their best for their lucrative gold coin salaries! The team was given a vivid colour scheme...

Civil War Igniting

New, secret forces are taking shapThe big one is coming - War Head Civil War will be played in two weeks' time! It's one of our dearest wargaming traditions and the invitational event for our inner circle has always made amazing hobby memories. Civil War is one of...