Dark Angels : Grand Master Samael

Grand Master Samael is the latest addition to my Dark Angels collection.The model was easy to build as I was already having the ravenwing upgrade sprue and I just bought a Land speeder.That way the model really came up cheap.To be honest I wasn't even afraid to spend...

Salamanders:Sternguard Veteran Squad (30% complete)

With the third Tactical Squad done, I only need a second SternGuard Veteran Squad of Salamanders to consider my army complete, so I painted 3 more Sternguard veterans - this time with bolters - to boost my current sternguard pool of models for extra versatility. After...

Tyranids : Termagant brood

And suddently Tyranids.I succefully modeled and painted a 1850p Tau list. I put the list to the test of a hard tournament and came out satisfied. My roster is valid and challenging (considering of course that my codex is two editions behind), yet fun for both me and...

Salamanders : The Third Tactical Squad!

Finishing a squad leaves a really satisfying feeling.That's why I am really glad that today I finished the 3rd Tactical Squad for my Salamanders. I payed some extra attention to the basing work, especially to these last models. Now, I only need to finish some details...

Dark Angels : Nephilim Jetfighter

I wasn't able to resist. Along with the new Dark Angels Codex I purchased a Nephilim Jetfighter. Not the best looking flyer model in the grim 40K universe, not even the best flyer to play with. It's expensive and outclassed compared to the Vendetta Gunship and...