Tau Empire : The Second Fire Warrior Squad

I decided that in the upcoming tournament I will participate with my Tau. I am a few unpainted models short, so all my efforts go to completing my army list. So, here is another squad of Fire warriors, rising my total number of 24 and now I am only 5 models short....

Dark Angels : 3rd Tactical Squad (30% Complete)

Greetings everyone and Happy new Year! More Dark Angels! This chapter is ideal to restore old models from old failed projects. Models that I was an inch from throwing away are becoming one of my best projects yet. I still own a large number of models so I decided that...

Dark Angels : Interogator Chaplain Seraphicus

As the last post of this year allow me to close the ''Project Dark Angels'' as we know it already. In a few days the new codex will bring new tactics, new models and new rules. As such, I am happy that I finished the ''Dark Vengeance'' and ''Assault on the Black...


With the Genocide Chronicles Tournament just around the corner I have to speed up the Tau project so to be ready for it. 1750p with ETC rules and I am just few models short.My XVs crisis and broadsides are ready and my hammerhead too. I am 17 fire warriors and two...

Bretonnians : Knights of the realm

I have a secret project. I paint a bretonnian knight every time I return home from my current deployment. So till now I have painted these two knights. I have more in various stages of completion but right now only these two I feel confident to present.