Dark Angels : The second’s squad Razorback

I finaly finished the Dark Angels Razorback I wanted, but not without troubles. I am in Athens these days for Christmas and in the transit from Crete to Athens I forgot to take some painted parts of the vechcle, so I painted the missing parts again scavenging from...

Dark Angels : Captain Balthasar and an extra DeathWing

Thank the Emperor this week is over. The most stressfull and tirring week I had for a while is finaly over. Thankfully, everything went well and all our plans worked fine that now I can enjoy a cup of coffee and smile.I was able to finish only two models for my Dark...

Salamanders : 3rd Tactical Squad

Some more reingforcement for the Salamander's army. After a couple of games the Drop pod army proved quite good. The only trouble is the close range support land speeders are not performing so well as in the last edition, so I decided to swap those models for one more...

WiP:Razorback/Rhino interior

Just a heads up from the Razorback project. I decided that it was time for me to paint the interior of my fighting vehicles. Here's a picture before gluing and painting the hull of my latest war-machine. I hope the machine's spirit will be happy!!

Tau Empire : XV8 Crisis Suit

I really hope that 2013 will bring a Tau codex. I just love the idea of full XV Crisis and Broaside battlesuit sweeping the battlefield with heavy fire, eliminating any resistance. Until then of course, I will play with my current roster consisting no less than 10...