Flames Of war : M4 Sherman Tanks

...and suddently Flames Of War.Many of my friends from the Battle Bunker Club recommended to me the game. The thought that you can repeat major or minor battles from the 2nd World War was to my liking, so I watched some battles and the instruction videos from the...

Dark Angels : Deathwing Terminator Squad

The 3rd in the row vow for the bolter and chainsword com is finished. I had a lot of fun painting those guys as the detail work is top notch. It took me some more time than usual ofcourse but I can't complain, the results are to my liking.One of the things I changed...

Dark Angels : Deathwing 2nd Squad

Ιt's this time of the year again when my determination is failing and my concetration is straying to other projects. Thankfully, I am very near to completing my Bolter and chainsword.com vow and finishing the Dark Vengeance boxed set.I decided to turn my existing...

Angels Sanguine : Death Company 9/12

The Pure Death company project is flying. I really find it difficult to paint the terminators for the Bolter and chainsword.com vow but I'll manage.These models are the old metal Death Company models I salvaged from my previous Blood Angels army. I only added few...

Dark Angels : Deathwing Terminators (2nd Squad)

A new vow for the bolter and chainsword, dark angels subforum.The third in the row and quite proud of it. This time the Dark Angels are receiving a brand new Deathwing Terminator Squad taken from the Dark Vengeance starter set.Those models have a ''Space Hulk''...