Dark Angels : Tactical Squad ”Raphael”

With the second Tactical Squad complete I finished the October's promise.The Dark Vengeance models are awesome and it was a pleasure to paint. I plan to give the squad a razorback or to add some additional special and heavy weapons for more versatility. I can't wait...


The Dark Angels are dominating my paint station as I am in the final stages of completing the Tactical Squad. Also, on the paint station I have in various stages of completion 3 more Angels Sanguine Assault Marines as I plan to finish the third assault squad for the...

Dark Angels : Deathwing Dreadnought #2

I traded my Dark Vengeance chaos miniatures for this Dreadnought! I know it was not a fair trade, but I am sure my friend will be happy knowing that his model is well finished and ready to unleash its punishing assault cannon in the battlefields of the 40K universe...