Bolt Action British Army Start

I had set myself a deadline. “Get all the infantry models from the Bolt Action British starter army done before the new year”. I Started a month ago and I finished with a day to spare. WOW RESULT!  I don't like batch painting so I'm glad I can enjoy the...

Bolt Action British Cromwell mk. IV Cruiser tank

After pumping out the 40K Grey Knight Army I was ready for something new and fresh. I have always been interested in WWII History and this summer I picked up the rules for a relative new WW2 skirmish game called Bolt Action by Warlord games. I really like the rules...

F*CK ME, I’m Famous!

What better way to get back into painting again then to see your work featured on the Games Workshop Website. Last summer when the Ork Flyer was just released I jumped on it immediately and after two weeks of frantic painting I finished the model and posted it here on...

Ork Blitza-Bommer Tactica

This is the third tactica in the new Ork flyer tactica series. Here you can find "Part 1: The Dakkajet" and “Part 2: The Burna-Bommer”. In this episode I'll look at the strengths and weaknesses of the Ork Blitza-Bommer.The Blitza-Bommer:This plane is carrying the...

Ork Bommer Project Finished!

It took me two weeks to get my Ork plane done and I'm very happy with the result. It really turned out exactly the way I wanted, a nice old, rusty and banged up flying suicide machine...I only bought one box but I still want to be able to field all three types of...