Ork Dakkajet Tactica

Image by Black LibraryThis Month it's all about the new Ork Flyer kit and here's my view on how to use each of these new flyers. I'll start off with my personal favourite, the Ork Dakkajet. We all still have to play test the new flyers but we can already look...

Ork Bommer Project WIP 2

Hi, I just wanted to give you a quick update of the progress I made today.Cockpit Close upI prepared my airbrush and sprayed the plane with a 50-50 mix of Lyanden and Golden yellow(sorry I don't do new paints yet). After that I took some chaos black and painted over...

Ork Bommer Project WIP 1

Ork BommersToday I got the new Ork Bommer kit. Actually it isn't just a bommer but a Dakkajet, Burna Bommer and Blitza Bommer in one box but unless you've been living under a rock you will probably know all this.Since this is a brand new model I thought it would be...

Bought a New Airbrush

I have always wanted an airbrush but I just never got round to getting one. I never knew what to look for in new airbrushes. What model, what specs, what pistol... It wasn't until Dave from Wargaming tradecraft wrote an article on buying compressors, airtanks and so...

Recycling GW Miniatures

I have been thinking about it a lot and I have been looking on the interwebs for information "how to" do it but now just recently I took the plunge and finally started recycling my painted Space Marines. I have painted up these models about 3 years ago and some of you...