The Last Kings Podcast. Episode 2 – We could be Heroes!

In our second episode we talk more Age of Sigmar, go through some of the recent releases including some of the warscrolls for the now-a-real-army Chaos Dwarfs/The Legion of Azgorh! And we have an interview with two friendly East coasters Graeme & Chris from ELG...

Guild Ball Butchers: Boar

Following on from Rich's finished (in ridiculous time) Guild Ball Fisherman team, I thought I'd share some of my much slower WIP on my Butcher's team. I've been accumulating these guys for a couple months now, but had only got as far as building and priming the first...

Call to War 2015 Army Lists

Hi folks, Scott here (@_wee_men). Seeing as I never post on here, I'd thought I would indulge us all in a bit of Friday List Porn for the imminent Call to War tournament.This is being held in Bristol this weekend, and uses the ETC comp system, where each army is...
@_Wee_Men at GamesDay 2013

@_Wee_Men at GamesDay 2013

This is my first blog written since being adopted into the cosy warm protection of Rich's awesome blog. I'll aim to post more regularly now, if I have anything interesting to show or share with t'internet. And I'll get round to writing more about myself and how I got...