Realm of Battle Board Tiles 4,3,2,1

The last four tiles are the valley/hill tilesNothing fancy painted in the same earth toones as the rest of the board.This completes part one of my terrain project.Part two will be an idea I got from the Forge World tile

Realm of Battle Board Tile 5

This one took a little out of me.I used Magic Water preformed ponds to make a bog tile with dead Chimera in the water.I killed my dremmel cutting the forms out,I should of used the home grade routing tool ya know the Dewalt the RoB boards are tough as hell.Then...

Tuesday Tip Cheap Airbrush Cleaner

I use many different media painting my minis with my airbrush.Besides acrylic I also use enamels and Lacquer based metallic.This is not a problem as long as you have a good cleaning routine.I will try to never let the paint dry,I use enough in my cup that I am going...

Realm of Battle Board Tile 6

This one is the other flat tile the infamous skull tile.The stone work did not photograph well there is alot more color and tone that got washed out in the photo.Some people cover the skulls up but I like em,I am a true 40k fan in the spirit of Khorne.Skulls for...

Realm of Battle Board Tile 7

Hey all I have the next tile finished.This is one of the standard vanilla tiles.I added a touch of static grass for a spot of colorI bought four extra tiles to play with so I would also have a nicely painted standard set.The board is coming along now I have all...