The Inquisition "The Retinue" Pt1

When it came to the Inquisitors Retinue I kind of got out of hand,they number over 50 now.But to Kick them off my first batch of Assassin models.I would like to do them all and maybe make a couple of unoffical ones that were in Nemesis.

The Inquisition…Let’s Begin

Hey everybody long time no see.It's been a while since my last post,I have alot to show you guys.I was working on my modest Grey Knights army until I got to the Inquisitor,then things started getting out of hand.The retinue is getting quite large now at least 50...

Paintier Rotating Paint Rack

Hey guys I just wanted to pass on the info for the Paintier rotating paint racks we all love.When I have seen these in art supply store they are usually marked up quite a bit.I found the site for the guy who makes them,his name is Ben and he is as straight up as...

Paintier Rotating Paint Rack

Hey guys I just wanted to pass on the info for the Paintier rotating paint racks we all love.When I have seen these in art supply store they are usually marked up quite a bit.I found the site for the guy who makes them,his name is Ben and he is as straight up as...

Inquisitor Silias Hand

This is a special model.It is one half of the Black Library Daemonifuge diorama.Practically unreleased but being true to myself I tweaked him just a bit.The original belt buckle was just like a standard Marine.I overlaid it with a bit I cut off of a Grey Knight chest...